What Would John Galt Do?

A whole different way of looking at "WWJD"

Thursday, November 24, 2022


 Here's a rehash of a post I wrote on this day eight years ago:

Rush Limbaugh (may he Rest In Peace) used to tell this story every year on his show.

People who thank "God" for the Mayflower colony's abundance miss the point. God had nothing to do with it. The abundance resulted from Capitalism. Specifically, the power of private property.

Socialism - or shall we say Collectivism - is nothing new. It existed WAY before Karl Marx. The Book of Acts records the early Christians trying it (it failed). The Mayflower pilgrims also tried it.

The Mayflower Compact specified that all land was to be held in common, and all were to partake of the food that was grown. This IS the classic definition of "Socialism." It was a disaster.

That first winter, HALF of the colony died of starvation. The ones that remained were down to a ration of three kernels of corn per day. THAT is the inevitable outcome of Socialism.

William Bradford, the colony's governor, wisely broke the Compact. In their third year, the land was divided up between and among the families. Every man could grow what he wanted on his plot, and wasn't required to share it with anyone. He could keep it, eat it, trade it for someone else's produce, whatever he wanted.

The result was abundance. There was SO much food... they held a celebration.

The three fundamental rights of Man are: Life, Liberty and Property. No one wants to think about the third (they even left it out of the Declaration of Independence) but it's just as important, just as vital, as the other two. It is strong Property rights that create wealth. And it is strong Property rights that is at the foundation of Capitalism.

We have bleeding-heart Leftists today who want the Government to spend money "researching" the "causes" of poverty. We don't need to research it; we already know the cause.

The cause of poverty is: Collectivism. Denial of the fundamental human right to private property.  The cure is Capitalism.


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