What Would John Galt Do?

A whole different way of looking at "WWJD"

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

PREPARE TO MEET THY DOOM! (this time it's real)

Being breathlessly reported in today's news:

Extreme CO2 Levels Could Trigger Clouds' Tipping Point and 8º C of Global Warming

Go ahead and take time to read the article. It's not a long read.

This particular "study" is being ballyhooed all over the media right now. Its purpose, of course, is to frighten us -- stampede us, really -- into some sort of unspecified "action" to "do something" about rising CO₂ in the atmosphere. Since the only way to stop CO₂ emissions is to completely undo the Industrial Revolution and return to a stone-age existence of "grunting sub-animals" (Ayn Rand), the "solution" that is universally accepted is: worldwide Central Economic Planning. In other words, the entire world under Marxist rule.

Now let's examine what we can of the "study" itself, which is behind a paywall. There are a few things we know:
  1. It is entirely based on computer simulations. No field or lab work involving the study of actual clouds in the Real World is evident from either the abstract or "news" reports.
  2. It assumes a "feedback loop" that has long been assumed to exist, but has never been found to exist in nature.
In short, yet another bogus "study" consisting of massive number-crunching based on assumptions. No connection to the Real World.

Preaching Doom and The End Of The World As We Know It has been a very popular -- and lucrative -- enterprise for thousands of years. The Bible is full of that stuff, and newspapers have been pushing Impending Doom ever since Gutenberg invented the printing press. Just as Al Gore has been telling us for more than thirty years that "We only have ten years left to save the planet," here is a brief compilation of "Climate Tipping Point" stories that I was able to find with a simple DuckDuckGo search:

2018: A Tipping Point for Climate Change
-- Forbes, Dec 2018

Greenland's Coastal Ice Passed a Climate Tipping Point 20 Years Ago, Study Says
-- Inside Climate News, May 2017

Have We Passed the Climate Change Tipping Point?
-- Forbes, March 2017

18 Signs That Show We've Reached the Tipping Point
- EcoWatch, Dec. 2016

Earth warming to climate tipping point, warns study
-- BBC, Nov. 2016

Climate change tipping point crossed: What is to be done?
-- Liberation, Oct. 2016

Global warming milestone as scientists warn Earth has passed carbon tipping point 'for good'
-- Daily Mail, Sep. 2016

2015 a 'tipping point' for climate change: experts
-- Phys.org, Jan. 2016

The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here
-- Rolling Stone, Aug. 2015

6 climate tipping points: How worried should we be?
-- EDF (Environmental Defense Fund), May 2015

Report warns of climate change ‘tipping points’ within our lifetime
-- UC Berkeley News, Dec. 2013

Climate 'tipping point' warning
-- Politico, Dec. 2013

An unrecognizable Arctic: Climate Tipping Points
-- NASA, July 2013

The Climate Change Tipping Point
-- New York Times, July 2012

Is Earth Nearing an Environmental "Tipping Point"?
-- Scientific American, June 2012

Point of no return for climate is 2017: IEA
-- A Change In The Wind dot com, Nov. 2011

Climate Change at a Tipping Point
-- Western City, May 2007

Warming hits 'tipping point'
-- The Guardian, Aug. 2005

I see no point in going back farther, but Mark Morano over at Climate Depot did, and found prophecies of Climate Doomsday going all the way back to 1982:

And Tony Heller recently noted on his Real Climate Science blog:
Climate experts said 350 PPM CO2 is the tipping point, beyond which we were doomed. That was passed in 1988.
Then they said 400 PPM was the tipping point, beyond which we were doomed. We passed that a couple of years ago.
Now they say 450 PPM is the tipping point, beyond which we are doomed.

Doomsday prophecies have always been a lucrative business. Just look at all the generators that were sold in 1999, all the water filters that Alex Jones has sold, and all the churches full of congregants.

So be sure you get those overdue library books and video rentals returned.  The end is near!


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